When You Demand Strength and Sea-Keeping

World Speed Record holders with our own vessel and crew

:XSV 17’ is a 17m very high speed, wavepiercing, low RCS Interceptor / pursuit vessel for military and law enforcement applications. Typical operational roles are patrol and surveillance duties around port and harbour infrastructure as well as coastal, offshore installations. XSV 17 is also imminently capable of very high speed pursuit and apprehend of those engaged in illegal waterbourne activities such as trafficking. From a naval and military perspective its possible deployment scenarios are far reaching, covert surveillance can be undertaken for far longer durations, and in much rougher weather than would be possible with conventional surface craft. ‘Covert’ surveillance and insertion can be undertaken with a greatly reduced risk of detection, thereby maximising the missions chances of success. Operator and crew safety is enhanced with reduced levels of risk to combatants.

Propulsion can be by waterjets or Surface drives. Capable of maximum speeds of 55-60kts+ depending on the propulsion system and equipment installed. A crew of 9-10 can be comfortably seated on high tech shock mitigation seats in a climate contolled cabin with space for an additional 6 combatants in her f/wd cabin allowing a total capacity of 16.
Stealth capabilities
The design of XSV 17 utilizes various stealth technology’s to produce a lower RCS (radar cross section), allowing it to operate with a very high degree of invisibility to an adversary’s radar. Stealth technologies are employed in the superstructure and hull design utilizing flat plane principles to its surfaces in the f/wd, aft and cabin side projections to deflect radar beams away from source. These unique features work together with RAM and specialized outfitting, including minimal metallic fittings above decks. All of which combine to produce a vessel with a very significantly lower than normal RCS from all aspects.
Weapon system integration
The design uses an innovative solution to weapon deployment. Various different types of both lethal and non-lethal weapons, including a gyroscopically stabilized 7.62 / 12.7mm machine gun / 40mm grenade launcher remote controlled by an operator inside can be fitted to the XSV 17. The weapons are cleverly concealed below decks in the f/wd section of the superstructure or main cabin roof, and are raised up to above deck level for deployment through large watertight carbon fibre hatches built into the roof section. In this way when the vessel is in engaged in surveillance or patrol, the main weapons are concealed and the vessels RCS signature is reduced. When the vessel is engaged in pursuit or apprehend modes, the weapons are raised for deployment. Another advantage being that the weapons are hidden when not in use for security, durability and covert reasons, as well as greatly reducing the vessels VCG when beneficial, such as in heavy weather. The design however does not compromise on practicality or usability and provides for a high level of crew safety. As well as a full array of navigation equipment, a range of sonar equipment can be installed to monitor the underwater situation. FLIR Thermal and night vision infrared cameras are integrated for surveillance
Construction and hull design
The vessel is constructed from advanced lightweight FRP cored composites, with extensive use of carbon fibre in its outfitting. The hull design below the waterline is a wavepiercing, constant deadrise, twin chine deep V hull form capable of up to 60kts. A deep V deadrise at the transom and a wave piercing bow form, with a very fine wave cutting waterline entry at the bow effectively minimizes vertical accelerations at speed in waves, thereby maximizing crew endurance in rough offshore conditions. The hull’s twin chine arrangements provides high levels of both dynamic and static stability. The hull provides exceptionally high levels of seakeeping abilities on all course, very much as one would expect from a builder renowned for its highly seaworthy pilot and S.A.R. vessels XSV 17 is survivable up to sea state 8, capable of operating effectively in up to sea state 6, and maintain high operational speed in sea state 4.
Remote control, gyroscopically stabilised 12.7mm machine gun . 40mm grenade launcher.
Hyperspike HS 18 Sonic weapon
ROSSY obscuring system
Offshore patrol
Asset protection
Perimeter protection
Insertion / extraction
Main technical features
High speed capabilities up to 60kts
Wavepiercing hull design allowing high speeds to be maintained in rough conditions
Transformable shape. Low RCS for covert operations
Remote controlled, gyroscopically stabilised 12.7mm machine gun
Shallow draft (.85m) with waterjet propulsion
16 personnel / combatant capacity
Fully Enclosed climate controlled cabin with Shock mitigation seating
Principle dimensions / characteristics
L.O.A. 17.8m
Length moulded 16.2m
Beam overall 4m
Beam moulded 3.8m
Draft .85m
Displacement lightship 13,500kg
Fully loaded 15,900kg
Fuel capacity 2,000L - 4,000L
Range 350-700nm+
Crew capacity 12 - 16
Engines 2x Caterpillar C12.9 1,000hp
Waterjets MJP Hybrid 350
Surface Drive Arneson / Metamarine
Generator 6kw
Air-conditioning 27,000btu
Main weapon 12.7mm RC stabilised
Secondary weapons Pedestal 7.62mm MG
Speed Maximum 60kts
Cruise speed (MCR) 45+kts